Powerful Media Screen Shortcode

Show content only on devices you want

Supported by Shortcode Generator
This shortcode is super awesome. The greatest thing is that you can create it in 2 clicks with our Shortcode Generator and you can use it with any page element.
Different content for different device
You can display content only on devices you want. Have a look at the example bellow. Try resizing your browser to see this shortcode in action.


This content is visible only on Desktop screens.


This content is visible only on Tablet screens.


This content is visible only on Phone Landscape screens.


This content is visible only on Phone Portrait screens.

How to use

Notable comes with super awesome user friendly Shortcode Generator which allows you to create any of many shortcodes in less than 2 clicks. If you prefer the code, you can find it bellow. You can copy-paste it to your page. Comments are annotated with double slashes //

Get the code
// Create desktop screen content only
[screen size="desktop"]Your content goes here[/screen]

//Create tablet screen content only
[screen size="tablet"]Your content goes here[/screen]

//Create phone screen content only
[screen size="phone"]Your content goes here[/screen]
Available argument options
  • screen – Specify your target screen. You can use following : desktop, tablet, phone, phone-landscape, phone-portrait.